About us

It took us many years to acknowlege that the structure of the Roman Catholic Church is completely wrong.

Jesus Christ taught charity and that before God all people are equal. The Roman Catholic Church’s fundamental laws base the absolute power of the hiërachy on divine interference ignorng those two christian principles.

As long as the great masses could not read or write, church officials  managed to cover up the ill effects of this structure which called for changes.

 But the feasibility of the system diminished when education began to develop on a large scale. The press began to play a role. Eventually, modern media became decisive. Independent investigators made public that in Boston bishops had systematically covered up child abuse, that they had denied help to victims, and that they had given new opportunities to those who had abused children. New scandals bring negative publicity to the church over and over again. Reform-minded groups discovered that this Church could only be called Christ-minded if it would introduce special care for the needy, equal rights for women, equal rights for LGBT people, equal rights for (re)married people,marriage optional for coaches, referral of crimes to civil authorities, support for an independent judicial process, meetings of representatives, commitment to the preservation of nature and election of caring coaches




The key words communio, participatio and missio for synodal talks recur in the recently published guide for the October 2024 synodal talks in Rome. With these talks, Pope Francis intends to ensure that, with no change in their monarchical position, bishops will henceforth be open to voices from outside their own circle. In the distant future, this could lead to a system that immediately punishes discrimination and abuse of power and focuses on putting charity into practice as is the normal practice in small communities.

Miriam Duignan from the United Kingdom

Paul Hwang from Korea

Peter Mbuchi Methu from Kenya

Deborah Rose from the United States

Virginia Saldanha from India

Ed Schreurs from the Netherlands

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